AI Warfare is a powerful and optimized plug-and-play, highly customizable, and easy to add AI Behavior system 100% Blueprint for characters/Land vehicles/Air vehicles/Turret/Static. Use it to create smart AI within minutes. AI Warfare uses only independent content and dynamic interface to communicate easily your variables at AI. Used for any existing or new project (FPS/TPS Shooter/RTS/Survival)

Video showcase: link

Video How to use: link

Playable demo v1.02 (more 100 AI): link


Characters / Land vehicle / Air vehicle / Turret / Static

AI warfare component (fully customizable) – 66 options

Blueprint interface adapted to communicate with your variables for each AI pawn – 31 options

Smart AI perception

Squad / Waypoints

Revive / Respawn


Characters can use Stand/Crouch/Prone / Use up to 3 weapons (Ranged long/Ranged short/Melee) / Launch grenade


AI commander

Functional player

AI soldier/land vehicle/air vehicle pawns/Turret/Static

2 levels (AI commander/Waypoints)

Technical Details

Number of Blueprints: 66

Number of Blueprints Functions: 51

Number of Macros: 2

Number of animations sequences: 89 (Starter Pack Animations)

Number of others animations: 1 Animation Blueprint, 6 blendscapes, 26 Animation Montages, 4 Aim Offsets

Network Replicated: No

Intended Platform: Desktop, Console, Mobile

Platforms Tested: Windows

Documentation 1.03:

