
Template works with listen and dedicated servers. Template has flexible, extendable, and easy to follow architecture.

There are 4 players and 1 monster.

To win Players have to:

  • hide from the monster
  • repair minimum 3 generators to open the gate
  • escape when gates are opened
  • at least one player must escape

To win Monster have to:

  • prevent players from repairing generators
  • prevent players from escaping
  • kill all players


  • Main Menu
  • Host Game
  • FAQ
  • Server Browser menu
  • Game Settings menu
  • Player HUD
  • Help widget
  • Observer HUD
  • Kill feed
  • Game Chat
  • Scoreboard
  • Round Finish
  • Match Finish

Technical Details

Engine Compatibility: 4.25+

Number of Blueprints: 48+

Input: Keyboard and Mouse

Network Replicated: Yes

Rigged to Epic Skeleton: Yes

Supported Development Platforms: PC

Supported Target Build Platforms: PC

Documentation: YES

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